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Art Wear

The concept of  artwear is an easy one to grasp once you understand the basis of it. What you wear should be considered an art work and not just another piece of rock or plastic around your neck, wrist, or fingers. The idea behind the piece should be for the betterment of everyone from the crafters to the suppliers. The most popular peices of artwear are in the form of handcrafted artisan jewelry which could be crafted with any natural material ranging anywhere from wood to metal. Often times, the price of these pieces of artwear can be very high, but this only represents the true value of the product as often times in stores we get the product at a discounted price. This only happens because of a competing market undervaluing the labor and the cost of production causing poverty and bad living conditions in a poor country, but cheaper goods for a richer country. However with many new fair trade ideals stores are making sure thattheir product is priced at what it is worth so that everyone could benefit. Take  an om ring as an example, because they use artists from many different countries and pay them the amount they worked for, but people are only able to do this because of the true price of the ring.