Everyone needs money, and the need to acquire money can put us in a very dependant position sometimes. After all, they say that whoever has the most gold bullion coins the terms of the discussion. This is also known as the golden rule, as in “he who has the gold, makes the rules”. But there is no shame in work, in fact most people take pride in their work. It buys them independence and security for their families, which is no small thing, and we are all the more aware of the fact in tough economic times.
That is why collecting money as a hobby is such an interesting idea. The fact is that people have taken these objects which were only meant to be surrogates for things of value and chosen to make them of the most precious metals, and to fashion them like little works of art, which, as coin dealers everywhere will tell you, they truly are.
So today we find coin values into the thousands of dollars for units of currency whose face values were only a fraction of their present appraisal. Because these coins are really little works of art, and little pieces of history, some of which are worn from years, decades, or perhaps a centuries worth of use, while others are in mint condition, preserved by some fluke or by the careful action of shrewd collectors who anticipated the great future value that these humble little tokens would one day command from buyers.